In May a number of art4place members (Noela, Christine, Fiona and Barry) travelled to Japan as part of a Sunshine Coast-Tatebayashi Sister City
art-cultural exchange.
The Sister City activities included taking
part in a citizen’s festival and visiting a range of artists’ studios.
While in Japan the exchange group also
carried out a day of art with Ichikai Elementary School (IES) as part of a
response to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan by Sunshine Coast artists and
the SCC. Ichikai was pretty badly impacted by the earthquake. Artists and the
SCC had raised funds to buy art materials for some artists to replace those
lost in the earthquake and tsunami. An Australian potter (Euan Craig) and his
wife who lived and in Ichikai and who had lost his house, studio and kiln facilitated
the arrangements with IES and the day’s activities.
The IES activity was not placemaking
art but it did tell a story of Australia’s Indigenous people through the Rainbow Sepent dreaming story; and it demonstrated, in a tangible
artistic way, the concern of Australian artists for people of Japan.
All 290 children in the IES participated
in: listening to the reenactment of the Rainbow Serpent story; making the
Rainbow Serpent’s head and body; making serpent mobiles; and making book marks
of animals and birds in the story.
Telling the Rainbow Serpent story |
Artwork to the body of the serpent |
Making bookmarks |
Making Rainbow Serpent mobiles |
Putting the Rainbow Serpent head in place |
Decorations on the serpent body |
Decorations on the serpent body |
Getting the Rainbow Serpent ready for action |
Rainbow Serpent tours the assembly hall |
The funds raised were presented to the IES
and education department and were to be shared across three elementary schools
in the Ichikai area. The children said the day brought them much hope and joy; the artists said they were humbled by the day and the joy that art can offer to a community.