Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Notes from art4place March Meeting

©2012 Noela Mills - Detail from Placemaking art path - HBC -created by art4place

Promotion: art4place is re-developing the original DL card used for promotion; and is considering other promotional card options including postcard and business card formats.

Placemaking art map: In the past art4place developed a placemaking art walking map for Maleny. We are investigating a DL card that combines promotional and the placemaking art map. This would be provided to information kiosks and art related outlets.

Funding and support: art4place has demonstrated that it is making a contribution in the placemaking art sector in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. It is now time to put the organisation on a more stable financial footing so that it can take on larger projects and be in a position to independently sponsor minor community activities. To enable this consolidation and development process art4place is exploring additional funding and general support options, including:
o Local Council grants linked to economic development and tourism;
o Federal Government grants linked to festivals and special events such as World Environment Day; and
o Presenting to local Service bodies re our activities and possible sponsorship for community placemaking art activities.

Insurance: art4place is investigating new options of covering ‘in the field’ activities in the future. Past activities were covered by the auspicing body’s insurance.

Next art4place meeting: 4.30pm, HBC 38a Coral Street Maleny, 7th May – open to members and other interested people.

©2012 Noela Mills - Detail from Placemaking art path - HBC - created by art4place

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