Saturday, September 1, 2012

Peace in the Trees sculptures 'complete'

The second day of the workshop saw great progress - each participant had a lovely feature on top of the sandstone monolith which gradually evolved from the stone, all the while echoing and complementing the natural textures and layers of the rock.
...these 2 photos are courtesy of Edith Ann,
....Ken contemplating,
...Edith Ann's foliage,
...Judy's spiral font,
...Kim's obelisk,
...Katie's font with rose quartz,
...Roman's carved numbers,
...Cathy's platypus,
...Craig lending a hand,
...Caroline's fern frond,
...James' 'shhh',
...Ken's 'be still',
...Vivienne's peaceful image,
...Sally's mystical image,
...Barry's 'Peace' letters,
...Michael carving 'peace',

Don't forget the official open days, when the installation will be in place amongst the trees, are Sunday 23rd Sept., and Saturday 6th October, 10 till 4 both days.
See you there.


  1. N- great report on both days. It is going to be a fabulous installation. B

  2. I can't believe the monolithic presence of these pieces.... such hard work, but such a worthwhile project.
